Celebrating Mijikenda Culture & Heritage
We are looking to grow our volunteer writing community, and we would be thrilled for you to join us. We are not only write in English, and Kiswahili but we are also looking for writers who can write in any of the nine indigenous languages in the Mijikenda community. Our goal is to document all indigenous knowledge from the Mijikenda community.
Our goal is to protect the integrity and authenticity of our indigenous knowledge with the aim of preserving, protecting and growing our Mijikenda culture and heritage. This work is made possible by generous philanthropists and volunteers within the Mijikenda community. They work tirelessly to ensure we honor and continue the legacy of our ancestors and allow the voice of all 9 indigenous communities to be heard. These 9 indigenous communities that form the wider Mijikenda community include Digo, Ribe, Jibana, Kambe, Kauma, Chonyi, Rabai, Duruma and Giryama. Below you will find ways to access the knowledge hub and various ways to volunteer for the work we are doing.