Our Work

We dedicate our work to our ancestors for their endless efforts and sacrifices to protect, preserve and celebrate our beautiful Mijikenda Culture and Heritage. We understand that it is our time to build upon the established foundation and our greatest desire is to only make them proud but to continue to pass our traditions for many generations to come. 

Mijikenda Knowledge Hub

Preserving Mijikenda indigenous knowledge by finding ways to make it accessible and bridge the learning inequality gap in the community.

Mijikenda Music

Build a music library, school and nurture local talents through sponsored music production  programs and  both local & international events.

Vigango Repatriation Project

This project is lead by the Vigango Resting Place group. It focuses on the repatriation of the stolen Vigango and establishing a resting place at home.

Mijikenda Architecture

Our goal is to educate the community about Mijikenda Architecture and inspire new houses center on culture and ensure they are afforable.

Mijikenda Culture & Traditions

Culture in the Kenyan constitution forms the cumulative civilization of the nation. This is why we are keen on protecting and preserving ours.

Mijikenda Health & Wellness

Health is wealth and our focus is to promote  indigenous traditional nutrition and healing ways that have been proven to work for generations.